Often, after midnigh t, Dorian Gray went to places at the
end of dark streets. T here were no windows and no lights on
the outsid e of these places, and only the most fi·ightening kinds
of people went there. T hey served drinks, and there were dark
secret rooms where Dorian could go to forget his ugly past.
At one of these places, soon after Basil Hallward's death ,
Dorian saw an old friend. His name was Adrian Singleton,
and he was a yo ung man who led a bad life and had lost all
hi s fri ends. He and Dorian were talkin g when two evil
looking wome n tried to talk to th em. They both had old
clothes on, their ha ir was uncombed , and their faces looked
a lot old er than they were. Dorian turn ed his back on them.
"Oh! Too good for us, toni ght, eh , Prince Ch arming?
Isn't that what you like to be called - Pr ince Cha rmi ng?"
Dorian left the bar and left the women behind him . T here
was a d runken sailor , sleeping at a table in one corner. He
woke up when he heard the name 'Prince Charming', and he
followed Dorian outside.
Dori an was walking between two old buildings to anoth er
place he kn ew when h e suddenly felt someo ne's hand grab
him fi·om behind and throw him against the wall. T he re was
a strong hand holding his neck, and he heard the cli ck of a
gun next to his head .
"You have one minute to say you did .it, then I'm going to
kill you."
"What are you talkin g about? Who are you? Yo u're mad."
"You killed Sybil Vane. T hey said she killed herself but I
know it was because of you. I've been looking for you all my
life, Pr ince Charming. I'm J ames Vane, her bro th e r , and I
promised her I'd kill you if you ever hurt her ."
Doria n's heart was beatin g wildl y. He did not know what
to do. Suddenl y an idea came to him.
"\1\Tait. How long ago was it th at your sister di ed ?"
"Eighteen years. Why?"
"Look at my face. Eig hteen years ago I would have been
too young to know your siste r."
Ja mes Vane took Dorian over to the light of a streetlamp.
When he saw how young Doria n looked , he tho ught he had
made a te rrible mistake. He le t Dorian go.
''I'm sorry, sir. It was something I heard back the re."
"Well, you sho uldn 't go a round accusing everyone of
murder. I'd go home if I we re you and ge t some sleep."
Dorian Gray walked away as James Vane stood in the
lig ht, shocked at the mistake he thought he had made. T he
woman from the bar who had call ed Do ri an Prince
Charming came out of th e shadow from a nea rby buildin g.
She had followed James and Do rian .
"You made a mistake. You should have kill ed him ."
"No, the man I'm looking for should be fo rty by now. He
was too yo ung."
"You fool. I met Prince Charming eighteen years ago. He
looks the same today as he did then. He never changes. T hat
\-vas him."
J ames Vane ra n to the corn er of the street to look for
Do ria n, but he was gone.
end of dark streets. T here were no windows and no lights on
the outsid e of these places, and only the most fi·ightening kinds
of people went there. T hey served drinks, and there were dark
secret rooms where Dorian could go to forget his ugly past.
At one of these places, soon after Basil Hallward's death ,
Dorian saw an old friend. His name was Adrian Singleton,
and he was a yo ung man who led a bad life and had lost all
hi s fri ends. He and Dorian were talkin g when two evil
looking wome n tried to talk to th em. They both had old
clothes on, their ha ir was uncombed , and their faces looked
a lot old er than they were. Dorian turn ed his back on them.
"Oh! Too good for us, toni ght, eh , Prince Ch arming?
Isn't that what you like to be called - Pr ince Cha rmi ng?"
Dorian left the bar and left the women behind him . T here
was a d runken sailor , sleeping at a table in one corner. He
woke up when he heard the name 'Prince Charming', and he
followed Dorian outside.
Dori an was walking between two old buildings to anoth er
place he kn ew when h e suddenly felt someo ne's hand grab
him fi·om behind and throw him against the wall. T he re was
a strong hand holding his neck, and he heard the cli ck of a
gun next to his head .
"You have one minute to say you did .it, then I'm going to
kill you."
"What are you talkin g about? Who are you? Yo u're mad."
"You killed Sybil Vane. T hey said she killed herself but I
know it was because of you. I've been looking for you all my
life, Pr ince Charming. I'm J ames Vane, her bro th e r , and I
promised her I'd kill you if you ever hurt her ."
Doria n's heart was beatin g wildl y. He did not know what
to do. Suddenl y an idea came to him.
"\1\Tait. How long ago was it th at your sister di ed ?"
"Eighteen years. Why?"
"Look at my face. Eig hteen years ago I would have been
too young to know your siste r."
Ja mes Vane took Dorian over to the light of a streetlamp.
When he saw how young Doria n looked , he tho ught he had
made a te rrible mistake. He le t Dorian go.
''I'm sorry, sir. It was something I heard back the re."
"Well, you sho uldn 't go a round accusing everyone of
murder. I'd go home if I we re you and ge t some sleep."
Dorian Gray walked away as James Vane stood in the
lig ht, shocked at the mistake he thought he had made. T he
woman from the bar who had call ed Do ri an Prince
Charming came out of th e shadow from a nea rby buildin g.
She had followed James and Do rian .
"You made a mistake. You should have kill ed him ."
"No, the man I'm looking for should be fo rty by now. He
was too yo ung."
"You fool. I met Prince Charming eighteen years ago. He
looks the same today as he did then. He never changes. T hat
\-vas him."
J ames Vane ra n to the corn er of the street to look for
Do ria n, but he was gone.
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