Journey to the center of the Earth Chapter 9 : The last tunnel

Hans bro ugh t the boat to th e end of the beach whe re
the cave was. 'Ne ti ed it to a rock in the water and took our
bags to the cave.
"Are we going to use the boat again?"
"l don't know. Maybe, if we come back th is way. But,
who kn ows whe re thi s new tunnel will take us."
' 'Ve n eeded the boat sooner than we though t. vVe
walked about twelve feet inside the cave, then vve saw a
hu ge rock blocking the tun nel. We co uldn't unde rstand
"How co uld Arne Saknussemm get aro und th is rock?"
T he professor though t for a moment, and the n he looked
at the rock.
"Maybe it fe ll a fter h is journey, in the last two hundred
years, probably a fter an ear thquake or a terrible stor m."
"I wi sh there was a nother earthquake to move th at
rock from the en trance of the cave ."
"A.,xel, th at's it! vVe can use the gun powder to move
this rock again ."
"Do you think it will work ?"
"There's o nl y o ne way to find o ut."
We sti ll h ad some extra gun powd er with us for the
 guns. Hans made a hole in the rock with his ickax n
we put th e gun powc er in side. We used the rope to ligh t
it,but we made it very long to give us time to move back
and hide.
The three of us got into the boat and moved fifty feet
out to sea. We had no idea how big the explosion was
going to be. \Naiting for it made us very nervous.
"Maybe it won't work."
"Axe]! Don't say those thi-ngs."
We waited. Suddenly, the rocks on the beach opened
ike two curtains. The earth shook and e~1 in g fell into
a huge hol e. Wetell backin the boat, and the b nal
expiosion made the sea rise in a huge wave whi ch pushed
us back to the beach. We were in the air, on top of the
water, and the hole was below us. It looked big enough to
take in all the world!
"We're going clown into the hole!"
"That's what we want!"
"Not this way!"
We sho uted because the noise of fal ling rocks was all
around us and we couldn't hear each other. T he boat
moved like a train through the tunne l, then we crashed
into a new river of fresh water. T he boat went under and
came back up so fast that there was very li ttle water in it.
I don't know how we stayed in it. We held onto the sides
of the boat with all of our strength.
"Professor, where are we?"
"J don't know, but the water is taking us somewhere.
We have no choice but to fo llow it."
"It's getti ng hot!"
T he temperature was high. T he walls had the reel
colour of lava.
"Are we under another volcano?"
When I finished my sentence, we heard a loud roar
from behind us. Water and air pushed us forward faster.
The walls began to shake and rocks began to fall.
Then it was clear. Vve were inside a volcano and it was
going to explode. I could see the blue sky through the
round hole at the top of the volcano. There was one more
terrible roar and we were flying up into the air!

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