Blackbeard's Treasure - chapter 8 The face in the moon

When Captain Pike's men put the chest with Blackbearcl's
ghost on it clown on the pira~e ship's deck, Blackbearcl stood
up and saw that it was not h1s trea~ure. He opene~ the top,
picked up the gold coins in both h1s hands, and th1 ew them
to the ground. The pirates could not see B~ackbe.arcl: they
only sinv the chest open itself and the gold coms flymg m the
air ~u1cl fallinrr to the ground by themselves.
wf.he gold~ Captain. It was Dying in the air."
"W, ho opened that c I1 est.;l " \
~· "rhe treasure! Where's the treasure ?"
rBlackbearcl ran to the ship's side to see if the Queen Anne
w~s still nearby. It was gone. He let out a. loud scream, but no
orie heard him. His voice disappeared mto the grey clouds
th,at .were beginning to cover the sky. . .
It began to rain heavily that night. ~ant1ago and Capt.aJ~1
Pike were sitting in the warm yellow ;light of the Captam s
cabio below deck. .
"How long will it take to fix the ship?"
"One or two days. I don't know." : ,
"\1\Te'll Jose that English ship, al1el I want that treasure.
"B.ut Captain, we've got the gold. Why do you want
"You don't understand. That treasure is more valu~ble
than ten chests of gold . It has some magic ~n . it. There IS a
story behind it, and I think the man who has 1t IS gomg to feel
he has everything."
Bl ackbeard was alone at the front of the ship, lookin g out
at the dark sea. Everything around him was wet, the men
had gone below deck for the ni ght. Slowly, the rain stopped
and the clouds moved away. A full , shinin g sil ve r moon
appeared, lighting the sea in fro nt of him. Bl ackbeardlooked
in to its round face for a long time. I t looked like a round ball
turning and tu rni ng. T he n he thought it was more like a cir cl
e cut from a p iece of paper. Suddenly, a face appeared in
it. It was the face of Queen Hanzani . She closed , then opened
her big, brown eyes slowly. She was smilin g at Blackbeard .
She looked to her left and Bl ackbeard d id the same. He saw
a ligh t, in the di stance. T he light was Rum island , but no one
knew it.
T he Queen's face d isappeared , and Blackbeard ran to
the bell near the shi p's wheel. T he man at the wheel was
almost asleep when Blackbeard rang the bell and fr igh tened .
him . Captain Pike, Santiago and th e other men ran u pstairs.
"'What is it, what do you see ?"
T he man at th e wheel was still tr ying to wake up.
"I think it's a li ght."
Captain Pike looked through his te lescope. He saw the
beach of the island in the moonli ght.
T hen he saw a light coming from th e Queen An ne.
"Santiago, tell the me n to drop th e anchor. We've found
the treasu re and time we' re not going to lose it."

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