Blackbeard's Treasure - chapter 5 The wrong chest

The Queen Anne sailed for a few more days, but it .
couldn't find the Bermuda Triangle. The men were gettmg
angry. Captain Scott heard more and more talk about the
treasure, so he decided to call the men and speak to them .
"I know that a lot of you want to see these islands. I want
you to know that you will be handson~ely paid for thi~' long
voyage. Wait a little longer and you will be rewarded.
Blackbeard's ghost was walking behind the men as theca~tain
talked. Smith, the man who stole some of Blackbeard s
treasure, was standing in the front where Captain Scott
could see him. He still had the jewels in his pocket, and
Blackbeard knew this. Because no one could see him, he
put his hand in Smith's pocket and threw the j~wels on the
deck in front of Smith . The others thought Smith dropped
something, but when they saw the beautiful diamonds and
the gold necklace, they looked at Smith to see what he
would say. .
"Captain, I don't know how they got there. It was hun
that put them there."
He pointed at a man. He was the man who had helped
him carry the chest aboard.
"You're a liar!"
They began to fight, and the other men joined in . Some
of them wanted to stop the fight, but others tned to take the
jewels from the deck. The captain quickly took th: jew:ls
before anyone else could. The men didn't stop fightmg With
each other until they heard the man in the crow's nest shout
'Ship!' They looked and saw the black flag above the sails of
a ship coming towards them, but they didn't know it was
Captain Pike. Captain Scott looked through his telescope,
then called to the men:
"Enemy ship approach in g! Open the cannons! Prepare to
The men were running to different parts of the ship when
Captain Pike's ship fired a cannon. A loud "boom!" was
heard, but the cannon ball missed and landed in the water,
making a big splash next to the Queen Anne. Another
cannon was fired. Th is one hit one of the Queen Anne's sails.
The Queen Anne fired back, and the battle began. It was a
fierce battle. The sails on both ships had holes in them and
were on fire and th ere was black smoke in the air. When the
sh ips were close enough, the pirates used ropes to jump onto
the Queen Anne.
All the men were fighting with swords, so there was no
one to watch the treasure. Captain Pike jumped on board the
Queen Anne. He went below with two of his men where
Blackbeard's treasure was. Captain Scott saw them below and
followed with his sword in his hand . Captain Pike turned to
fight him .
"I know you've got th at treasure and I'm not leaving
without it."
"You will die before you touch a piece of vvhat's behind
that door!"
Blackbeard was watching all of this. He followed Captain
Pike downstairs, and when he had the chance, he hit him
over the head with a piece of wood.
Captain Pike was surprised. He didn't know what happened .
"Quick, open that door. Now!"
Pike's men broke_ the door open and Captain Pike opened
both chests. He left the Queen's gold pieces and put his
hands on the shining jewels of Blackbearcl's treasure.
"Look at these beauties! I've never seen such colours.
Blue diamonds, pearls, red rubies!"
Blackbearcl closed the top clown on Captain Pike's hands
and he screamed in pain.
"Good God! Open it! Open it!"
His men helped open the chest, but both Pike's hands
were badly hurt.
'Take that one with us. We'll come back for the other later."
Captain Pike was looking at his injured hands. His men
were very surprised at what happened. So, they picked up
the wrong chest. It was the chest vvith the Queen's gold in it.
Blackbeard was smiling at Captain Pike, knowing that no one
wou.lcl ge.t his gold. He didn't know himself that they were
leavmg 111S treasure behind. So, he sat on the chest that the
men took to the pirate ship.

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